Whiteness is Dead


Whiteness is a dead egregore. In its death throes, it still has many defenders, but its death opens the way for new loyalties and new kinship structures.

7 responses to “Whiteness is Dead

  • aediculaantinoi

    Ugh, I made the mistake of wading into the toxic mire of the comments there to see if anything salient was said…and didn’t find much beyond what I expected, alas…

    Nonetheless, it’s an intriguing piece, and articulates something that I’ve been struggling with for a while. While people will still look at me and assume things about me based on their assessment of my looks and therefore what that indicates about me (and in areas beyond ethnic/racial evaluations, sadly), I have not felt nor had (at least what I understand as) the characteristic mindset of what is understood as “white” for a while now…and it has taken time and effort to shed a lot of that, and I know I’m not done with it, but I’ve at least made the initial and intermediate steps, I think. I know genetically that my most immediate ancestral origins are in Europe, and I’ve done what I can to recover the pieces of my lineage I have been able to (with the help of the Deities, quite often); but, as far as being a part of the “white” hegemony? I don’t know if it’s a function of my other oddities and non-mainstream qualities, but I’ve just never “felt” it as something that applies to or reflects me. (And note, I realize that is not the same thing as benefiting, even inadvertently or in spite of myself, from white privilege). Sure, I’m not any other ethnicity (nor would I ever try to be!), but I’m still not sure that I’ve “landed” somewhere else that I feel comfortable claiming as my own…I’m not Irish or British or German or anything else sufficiently to call myself those things, but I’m certainly not any sort of typical “white American” either. I know that certain racists would call me a “race traitor” definitely, but yet I’m not sure that I feel that “proud race traitor” is exactly a position that means something to me with any certainty.

    I’m struggling with this, as you can see/guess, I’m sure, so I hope you don’t mind my puzzling it out above at length. I suppose my biggest quandary at the moment is the one of negative identification’s difficulties: I know what I’m not, but I’m still just not sure what I am. (And as this has been something that I’ve been at odds with others over in terms of describing my gender identity, which many assume is negative rather than positive, this shouldn’t be too difficult to figure out with some further work…but I’m just not quite there yet. I’ll have to talk with the two people I trust most in my daily life on this–a Native American [whom you’ve met!] and a South African of Indian descent, and see what their thoughts are…perhaps with your piece as a jumping-off-point, even!)

    In any case, thanks for writing this and pointing it out!

    • Heathen Chinese

      Yeah, the comments are pretty bad. I’m glad you found the article interesting and relevant something you’ve been struggling with. Negative identification seems to be a good starting point, at least, even if it has its difficulties.

  • angela1313

    Loved the article and appalled at the quality of the comments (but not too surprised). Grew up in a small town with zero diversity and became one of those alienated, miserable teenagers who couldn’t wait to go find somethig else. Exploring religions, occultism, anthropology I never found a fit until I went to Korea with the miitary. My ancestry is totally European but I felt so at home there. I learned Korean and studied Buddhism at a local temple and that was key. The monks were very good teachers and totally transformed the way I look at the world. I can’t change my genetics but I can certainly watch and change my thinking. Becoming an ESL instructor was another way I tried to keep myself open and learning. I always encouraged my students to be sure their kids didn’t loose the ancestral language. It’s not necessary to fit in and it’s been shown speaking more than one language builds the brain and reduces risk of Alzheimers. I am the last person in the family speaking French because my grandfather insisted on English. My grandmother taught me after frustration with her children not speaking it so I related to my students’ situation. Sorry to go on so long, but like aediculaantinoi, this has been something I’ve worked on a long time and I don’t think the work should ever stop .

    • Heathen Chinese

      Thanks, glad you appreciated the article. I like how you phrased this sentence: “I can’t change my genetics but I can certainly watch and change my thinking.” And thank you for encouraging your ESL students to keep studying their first languages, I think that is super important.

  • Euphonia from the River

    I thought Kenaz Filan from Polytheism Uncucked made good comments on this piece on Facebook.

    • Heathen Chinese

      I disagree, and I am not interested in having a discussion about what someone else said in another venue. Insofar as the laws of hospitality extend to the internet, and given that this is my personal website, you are not a welcome guest here.


    Fuck you, you Mongolian piece of shit!

    Disgusting Mongolian insects swarming the planet, spreading your COVID disease, you fucking slant-eyed, stinky cockroaches!

    Why are you speaking and writing in a WHITE language, you nasty little yellow rat!!??

    You come to my neighborhood you gonna feel real physical just how alive whiteness is you fucking Ching-Chong Chink!!!

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